: bhavansyoga@gmail.com
: @bhavansyogabharati
: bhavansyoga@gmail.com
: @bhavansyogabharati

Yoga Academy and Research Institute


Yoga Academy and Research Institute


Yoga Academy and Research Institute

BHAVANS YOGABHARATI, BHAVANS CAMPUS CONDUCTS REGULAR YOGA CLASSES IN THE MORNING AND EVENING, 7-8 AM, 8.15-9.15 AM AND 5-6 PM. ADDITIONAL 2 BATCHES OF REGULAR YOGA CLASS WILL BE CONDUCTED FROM THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2025 Morning 10 to 11 am Evening 4 to 5 pm. CLASSES ARE CONDUCTED FROM MONDAY TO FRIDAY. We are discontinuing Sunday Session. Now we are starting from 10.30 to 11.30am on Saturdays. Free Special Class. Contact: 9821443487 Email: bhavansyoga@gmail.com

Bhavan's Yoga Bharati is an initiative of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
an educational institution of National Eminence,
established by blessings of Kulapati Dr. K. M. Munshi.

Yoga Bharati on Retrospection :

The Bhavan's Yoga Bharati was established in 2006. Since 1958, under the guidance and direction of Kulapati Dr. K. M. Munshi, Founder-President of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, the Yoga classes were conducted by the noted Yogacharya Dr. Hansraj Yadav. Later on in 2006, the Bhavan established the Yoga Bharati for conducting its full-fledged courses for promoting Yoga education, and training in Yoga teaching. Dr. Hansraj Yadav served the Institute as its Principal from 2006 to 2020.
This is the only place in Mumbai where yoga activities are conducted in a serene place surrounded by lush green atmosphere and a lake.
Yoga Classes were also introduced to the management students & to the exchange program students visiting from Foreign Universities.
In 2009, Bhavan's Yoga Bharati was Accredited to "Council for Yoga Accreditation International INC, USA".
Yogacharya Dr.Hansraj Yadavji, the Ex-Director and Yoga teacher

was the Pillar of strength and support for promoting the various activities of Yoga since 1958.
logoThe Yoga courses offered by Bhavans Yoga Bharati is committed to provide education through yoga. Training is imparted at the highest technical and classical level. The courses selected from the classical yoga texts and its corresponding techniques are useful for the development of integrated personality.
The seeds so sown continues to blossom into various expansion activities since 2021.

Contact Us

Bhavan's Yoga Bharati
Bhavan's Campus,
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West),
Mumbai 400 058


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